Local Weather: Weather Forecast is a weather app where you can check the hourly updated weather forecast for any city in the world. You can see the maximum and minimum temperatures, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, humidity, visibility index, and much more. And all this with constant updates in real-time.
The weather forecast for any city
The first thing you should do when you open Local Weather: Weather Forecast is choose your favorite city or cities. You can select practically any city in the world by just typing its name, and you can also add as many as you want with no limit. However, the first city in your list will always be the one that appears by default when you open the app and for which you will receive all notifications. For this reason, you should use your own city —or your Android device location— as a reference point.
Ten-day weather forecast
In the main tab in Local Weather: Weather Forecast, you can see the current temperature, as well as the apparent temperature, humidity, wind, and UV index. Under this information, you receive a weather breakdown for each hour of the day, with temperature and rain chances. And, just below the daily information, you can find the weather forecast for the next 10 days. This way, you can plan your whole week, knowing on which days it will rain or will be very windy or hot.
Download Local Weather: Weather Forecast if you want a good weather app for your Android device. The app not only contains a lot of very useful information but also has dozens of customization options, both aesthetic and practical. You can choose whether you want the temperature displayed in Kelvin or Celsius, and you can also select from four different themes that will radically change the look of the app. You decide how you want to get your weather forecast.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
I have the best climate programming